Achieving Calm in 10 Minutes a Day
Learn quick, easy techniques integrating Eastern Traditions and Western Neuroscience, empowering YOU to conquer anxiety!
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Have you achieved some calm while in yoga class or meditation but struggle to hold onto when hit with situations in the 'real world'? Do you find yourself triggered by things that you wish you could take in a stride? Do you feel like you could do so much more in life if only anxiety wasn't holding you back? Do you want to engage in self-improvement but just don't have the time?
If so, then this course is for you.
In just 10 days of ten minute lectures, handouts and homework, you can learn Spiritual-Neuroscience techniques to use anytime you start to have anxiety. This holistic approach combines the best of Eastern traditions and Western neuroscience into techniques that are easy and empowering, allowing YOU to take yourself from anxious to calm.
Frequently Asked Questions
From the first lesson, I heard concepts that were not only new but totally changed my perspective in a way that in a way that I could actively apply to feel better. I'm so glad I found this course!
A.L.- Los Angeles, CA
I love listening to the audio portion on my drive to work. I'm able to apply the tools that same day and see an immediate difference in the way it makes me feel. Thanks, Dr. Maher!
J.B.- Atlanta, GA
I loved the ideas as most were things I had never heard before despite years in mental health treatment. This course gives you the tools you need to get through the hard days.
A.C.- Kansas City, MO
Your Instructor
I am so glad you’re taking the first steps in overcoming negative habits that no longer serve you, in order to lead a more joyful, effective life. I get what it’s like to be searching for that path that will give you consistent joy and fulfillment. And I totally get how life’s triggers can throw you off of that path after you think you’ve found the answers.
Despite a hefty academic path following my fascination with how the brain works, I wasn’t seeing a huge change in my life. So many a-ha moments, as I studied, but I wasn’t able to use them to change myself and build a better life. No matter what I learned from medical school and psychiatry residency, it just wasn’t enough for the kind of joy, fulfillment and lasting change I was looking for.
During this time, I turned to spiritual practices like yoga and meditation and I experienced a joy that felt like ‘this is it’. But then I’d leave the yoga studio, retreat, or ashram and the challenges of life would hit and that joy quickly vanished. Perhaps you’ve been there, you keep doing the spiritual practices and getting into bliss but then life’s challenges keep throwing you off and back into old habits.
Luckily, life gave me the opportunity to incorporate the best of the neuroscience with the best of spiritual practices into simple tools, and I found the joy, effectiveness and fulfillment I’d been looking for. Consistently. This is what I bring to clients. This is what I bring to YOU.
Being able to share these techniques with my patients as an Integrative Psychiatrist and watch them grow, has been so exciting. But one thing I kept hearing, is of their friends and loved ones who couldn’t afford this treatment but could really use the help. That led to me creating this course. Now everyone can benefit from these Spiritual Neuroscience techniques!